
IT Security Solutions

Company’s data is the lifeblood of your business and collectively represents one of your most important assets. Protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of these critical assets is the goal of the VEGAMATRIX Security Practice. We believe that effective information security is an ongoing practice integrating three essential elements; People, Processes, and Technology. VEGAMATRIX can assist with the development of pragmatic standards and policies, effective procedures, capable technologies, and properly trained personnel to align these three elements, and mitigate risks to your business.

Business dynamics is changing at a fast pace, giving rise to uncertainty and risks. The most effective contingency for risk control is an early detection and mitigation mechanism to prevent jeopardizing of cash flows.

VEGAMATRIX offers a range of analytics solutions for effective risk management. We provide data analytics solutions employing high-end statistical techniques for credit risk modeling, fraud detection and control, loss forecasting, foreclosure prediction, risk-based pricing, event modeling, etc

Our Capabilities & Solutions Include:

Vulnerability Assessments,

Security/Risk Assessments,

Penetration Testing,

Secure Architecture/Design,

Software patenting consultancy,

Security Policy and Procedure Consulting


Network Firewall Solutions

We are authorized sales and support partners in the top network firewall solutions on the market, considering features, pricing and more.

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